Yaakov (Jim) Schwartz, Author
a.k.a. The INstigator, Man of Dog, Pawduciary©
Jim’s father emphasized authenticity. “Don’t be a 24-karat phony,” his dad would remind him. Jim has lived his life guided by that core value.
A successfully retired (fee only) personal financial planner at 46 and author of several books including Enough: A Guide to Reclaiming Your American Dream, at 71, Jim now has three deeply personal callings:
- ReJEWvination: Reigniting personalized individualized meaning IN people’s lives through Judaic connection;
- Enough: Healing personal financial anxiety by aligning meaning with means; and
- PerPETuation: Extending healthy longevity, one dog at a time.
To know Jim is to be smitten by his humor and kindhearted love for dogs. He’s smart, compassionate, opinionated, outspoken, and tells great stories that always convey an important life message. He refers to himself as “the PUNisher” as he is forever examing the English language, turning words on their heads to reinvent new, pun-intended meanings. He believes “one’s life is better done than said” thus “being” rather than “doing” as a way of defining one’s essential life purpose.
Jim encourages us to become heroes in our own lives. He believes we must live from the INside out—in order to find any real meaning—rather than the way we are generally taught, with outside achievements and material wealth being the measures of success.
After years of career success concurrent with his own personal connection to his Jewish roots, Jim discovered his calling and has shared that in the actionable, step-by-step guidebook, Judaism on Purpose™. This roadmap has been created for you, the “guide by the side” Concierge of Meaning Rabbi to be the facilitator of small groups, reigniting personalized meaning INside out through Judaic reconnection. May it INspire and connect you with your Jewish communities.