Slicing & Dicing Without A Vegamatic
By Yaakov (Jim) Schwartz, author Judaism On Purpose™
In Kepner Tregoe’s Decision Analysis – there is the ‘is’ and ‘the is not’ to delineate. Without defining both ‘the is’ AND ‘the is not’ of the problem or objective one gets ‘snot.’
The synagogue is (including but not limited to): life cycle events (bar & bat mitzvahs, funerals, weddings etc), tending to those with health challenges, family counseling, bris’, end of life counseling, services (weekly, high holiday etc), Shabbats, Jewish education of children as well as continuing education, sisterhood and on and on and on.
The ‘is not’ of the synagogue: assuming 400 congregants, 2,000 hours available in a year, and two rabbis (4,000 hours). If they could dedicate a delusional 25 percent of their time (1000 hours) to the pursuit of personalized congregant meaning for 400 congregants that gives 2.5 hours a year to each congregant or a paltry 5 minutes a week!
On a yearly basis, The Judaism On Purpose™’s Jews of Meaning Model yields 13 hours – each participant meeting 1 on 1 with the Concierge of Meaning Rabbi or Cantor and another 40-50 hours face to face with the Rabbi/Cantor in a weekly meeting in a group no more than 7 fellow members with the Rabbi shaping the discussion to meaning in the participants lives – using Torah, Talmud, etc – to The 1 Thing – Meaning in each member’s life.
What are the logistics of Jews of Meaning?
- An initial one on one with the rabbi, determining if and where the individual finds meaning.
- A weekly meeting with the rabbi in a group of not more than seven over lunch for example (now it can be by Zoom or Team).
- A monthly private meeting with a rabbi to track accountable progress and, if necessary, make mid-course corrections.
- The student may change monthly to another group/rabbi on a space-available basis.
To reiterate the Jews of Meaning module of the Judaism On Purpose™ process IS NOT life cycle events, family counseling, services etc – it is & for but 1 Thing – reigniting personalized meaning IN one’s life thru Judaism – again©
Rabbis & Cantors: :
For Further Information Contact About Judaism On Purpose™’s
Jews of Meaning© Program
Mordecai Levinson
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