Judaism INside Out#92 –
Tectonic Changes Impacting Synagogues
Judaism On Purpose™: Un-Block Chain-ing
Chain, chain, chain – chain of fools
Aretha Franklin
Block Chain, it is a sequence of blocks or groups of transactions that are chained together and distributed among the users.
Sunk Costs refers to money that has already been spent and which cannot be recovered (like big single use high overhead synagogues with declining congregations irrespective small or large endowments). Per sunk costs, be it entities or individuals continue to commit ineffective behaviors and endeavors as a result of previously invested resources (time, money, effort, sense of self, vested interest in ideas etc or effort).
Sunk costs make it is difficult to unclog /unblock blocked chains (sort of like a bout of constipation that requires Phillips Milk of Magnesia with a Fleets’ Enema chaser), especially against an entrenched encrusted distribution system.
Thought at one time effective, a sunk cost method of distribution, in denial of losing its grip – stranglehold now having its foundational underpinnings challenged, and being displaced by other distribution methods, in reaction first ignores, then ridicules, & out of disbelief compounds its head in the sand with confirmation bias, delusion, & nostalgically reminiscing tradition. (All that’s missing is a Time Life Series of Golden Ark Oldies infomercial hosted & promoted by Neil Sedaka & Mary Wilson with clips of Zero Mostel as Tevye.)
And so in blind faith the Synagogue distribution method prevents reinvention and re-imagination as the cup (the synagogue & the synagogue distribution system) is more important than the coffee (Judaism).
(In fairness, the synagogue, neither in form nor function let alone economic model has the capacity to yield the individualized personalized meaning its congregants so thirst for.)
Given the tectonic changes of mindset – cocooning due to Covid 19 – even when it is solved, the advent and acceptance of Zoom etc as well as using technological substitutes for commuting and retrofitting the house of home offices etc (even new home builders homes are floor planned now for home offices)…
- Why go to High Holidays – to get a seat in the back – ducking one’s had around given taller people are blocking one’s sight and for this one gets to pay a couple hundred dollars – have the grief of parking etc etc etc when one can get the best of best – with production values, no parking, front row seats on You Tube for a pay per view of Kol Nidre?
You think this is Jules Verne Schwartz? Pulpit Rabbis — I dare you to watch this. Congregants – non congregants Jews watch this versus remembering sitting in Synagogue bored out of your mind etc & remember Jules Verne took years to come into being — the tectonic change is here now see for example: