The body is the temporary occupied territory of the soul.
Stipulating to:
- the Judaic concept that man has two souls: the animal and the godly soul (to potentially develop)
- the metaphor of the candle (the paraffin- the material), the wick (Torah) and the light to be illuminated (the soul)
- the task is of spiritualizing the material (material) and materializing the spiritual (soul) as an INside out assignment in the soul curriculum’s continuing to complete its incompletions
The question then is: is the soul inside the body, outside the body and or both inside and outside?
If the soul is ‘inside,’ then it is in occupied territory. The question becomes is the soul engaged in imperialism or spiritualizing the material (i.e akin to the paraffin) to ignite its spark of God to return? Or, if outside, akin to the spark from the flame seeking to return to the body (like the spark to the flame rather than just arising) in spiritualizing the material in this manner?
Of course it may be both. Alternatively rather than being imperial occupying inside and outside – does the paraffin acculturate – engulf the flame – impervious to the flame?
Note in lighting a candle, at first, the candle is larger than the flame. But as the flame continues to burn utilizing the paraffin its size becomes larger and the paraffin smaller while the wick remains the same size. Of course if the flame becomes smaller – as the paraffin engulfs the flame – the question therefore is did the wick become wicked – conveying the devil quoting the scriptures so to speak – ‘a flamer’ – dousing the enabling of the Torah?
Thus, the occupational hazards that face the flame in occupational territory.
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